Saturday 19 December 2015

Self-Care Saturday: Drink Water!

   Drinking water is one of the most easy and beneficial things we can do for our health. Why don't we actually do it? Our bodies are supposed to be made up of 55-60% water. It is so essential for all our different physical functions. If we have headaches, bad skin, bladder infection, etc., our first line of defence should be to drink a whole bunch more water, before seeking medication. If that doesn't work, then look for more answers. But I bet it will work a lot of the time.

   It is just so seriously easy. In this part of the world, we are very blessed with an abundance of clean water. We have absolutely no excuse to not be using it to its best purposes. And I mean me here. I have a glass beside my bed every night - nighttime breastfeeding makes one so thirsty! But other than that I'd be hard pressed to tell you how often I drink water. Hopefully writing this post will re-inspire me to take better care of my liquid-requiring self.

   Here are some thoughts and tips:

- Tea and Coffee don't count, even if they are yummier.

- Putting it in a big glass or jar can be helpful. It prevents having to go for multiple refills and is a visual reminder that you aren't finished yet.

- Sipping with a straw can make a nice change and is slightly addictive.

- Room temperature water is actually the most hydrating.

- Adding a little lemon is quite acceptable.

- Here's a challenge - rather than thinking of it as a chore, I will try to pay attention to actually enjoying the water that I am drinking, savour its refreshment, and be thankful for having it so ready to hand.

- Do it. :) How about now? I'm about to get up off the couch and get myself a glass of lovely clear aqua pura. Care to join me?

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