Thursday, 25 February 2016

Thoughtful Thursday: Security Continued

Hmm, I said I was going to continue with my thoughts on security, but life picked me up and ran away with me.

I'll just sum up in a few points what I had meant to say...

Why, to live a happy, fulfilled, truly Christian life, do I have to give up on security?

First reason: Futility! For one thing, I have no real control over any of it - it is unrealistic to think that I do. It's ok, and right, to plan responsibly, but not as if that will be the deciding factor for what happens next. Life is an adventure, and extremely unpredictable!

Second reason: Generosity! I have a constant desire to be generous and a constant struggle to carry it out. The world was made for us all, and in God's design, no one was to go cold or hungry. What I have is not truly my own, it's all been given to me to use in love, for myself AND for others. My faith is nothing without a willingness to give and share, especially with the poor. Hoarding is counterproductive to generosity.

Third reason: Freedom! Always thinking about security and calculating and stashing away leads one into a very narrow frame of mind. Life becomes a servant to material goods, rather than the other way around. It's a type of imprisonment, really. After all, who was more carefree, wealthy Prince John, or homeless Robin Hood?

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